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PRP therapy involves injecting a small amount of one’s own blood back into the skin in order to promote skin rejuvenation. 

The blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge to retrieve the collagen and elastin stimulating factors.


PRP is used to rejuvenate the skin and treat for multiple  concerns:


Fine lines and anti ageing

Minimise pores

Acne scarring

Improve skin texture and tone

Brighten skin complexion

Promote healing

Improve appearance of dark circles

Improve appearance of Stretch marks

Hair rejuvenation


How long does treatment take?

Once the consent process is completed, the treatment generally takes 30-45 minutes.


How long does the treatment last?

PRP requires a course of treatments.

It is recommended to have 3 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

After initial course of treatment, results can be maintained with 1 treatment yearly.​


Is there any downtime?

PRP does not require any downtime, however it is important to use sun protection on the treated area.

Swelling and bruising may be present post treatment.




Keep the area clean and makeup free the day of treatment.​


Use a Physical SPF for 24 hours post treatment and ensure 


Avoid exercise for the rest of the day post treatment.​


Do not touch or rub the treated area.​


Avoid facial treatments, massage, facial waxing, for 2 weeks.


The treated area may feel itchy or inflamed for 24 hours post treatment, this is expected. â€‹


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